9 575

Day 27 3 03

Stealth lifted her head, motioning to Lexx with one forepaw.  “You shouldn’t do that without permission.”  She stated critically. “If she wants to remove it, it’s not that difficult.”  Lexx rolled his eyes at the cat and made a shooeing motion with his hands.  Stealth shifted to a sitting position, keeping her angry glare fixed on Lexx as he sat down on the bed.

9 thoughts on “Day 27 3 03

  1. And how is she supposed to know that?

    Sheesh, Lexx’ childlike antics are really annoying at times, I don’t understand what Chel sees in him. Her father was right, she needs to find another guy.

    1. He’s not being intentionally creepy, just naive and not thinking.

  2. Waaaaaait? Isn’t that kind of the thing Riley yelled about to him last time or something closely related to that?

  3. you know lex if you get any more creepy/stalker you might as well be a sparklie vampire

    1. Wasn’t there a guest comic that was essentially that? lol

    2. Vampires. Do. Not. Sparkle. Twilight was about faeries and Skinwalkers.

      1. Agreed.

  4. And since when does Stealth care about doing anything without permission? ^^
    Oh, it’s not HER doing stuff without permission, THAT’s why she cares. XD

    1. Because Chel is /her/ human to protect.

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