7 479

Day 27 3 04

The Night Director was sitting at the screens monitoring Lexx’s room.  He had come in to check on the emergency request by the intern who had been watching them.  He had been sitting there for an hour when the motion detectors went off, chiming gently that there was movement in the room Chel and Victor was sleeping in and then in the living room.  Finally, they went off in Lexx’s room.  The Director had followed his movement through the walls, noting this ability that he had not seen on display before. He stared at the screen, reminding himself that while Lexx had left, he had returned, this time.  What about next time?  What if they needed to detain him for other reasons? “Now, how do we hold a person who can’t be held?”  The Director mused aloud, stroking his mustache.  “The other two rishan do not have this ability.  This is going to take some careful planning.”

7 thoughts on “Day 27 3 04

  1. The best way to make a man who cannot be held stay is to make him want to stay.

    1. Yes, the strongest chains are the ones of the heart. Virtually unbreakable.

  2. I don’t think the ADC is giving him much of a choice, even if he did want to stay. And any puny humans who get in the ADC’s way… well, I’m not sure I want to see what would happen.

  3. I am imagining him twirling his mustache as he says that.

  4. Bah, meddlesome human!!! >:(
    Why do they always feel the need to CONTROL Lexx? THEY ARE ALMOST AS BAD AS THE ADC!!!
    I only say ‘almost’ because they are almost to their level………..
    and stop being so dang fearful when you pretty much asked for contact in the first place…. get over it!

    1. Awww, your optimism about their conduct is adorable.

      It’s cute that you think they wouldn’t stoop the the kind of manipulation and outright torture the ADC uses. They are forcing Chel to work for them, whether she wants to or not, in order to make Lexx stay. How exactly is that at all unlike sending him ADC employee prostitutes to make him obedient and docile?

      Their standard first contact action so far is to kidnap them, and failing that, shoot them in the back. They also show no regard for civilians as they shot at Lexx in the air in a highly populated city!

      The ERA are not the good guys, and they cannot be trusted. At all. They will manipulate, bully, and imprison Lexx without hesitation once this is done. And he cannot be allowed to go out in public, because it would cause people to hate and fear aliens.

      Doing evil things for the greater good does not make you a hero. It still leaves blood on your hands.

  5. More importantly, why do you think you have the right to hold someone?

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