13 783

Day 27 3 07

“Lexx, Chel!”  Zeta and Epsy charged into the living area, squealing happily.  They slowed to a less heavy walk and quickly crossed the room, almost upsetting the food cart in the process.  Everyone tried to move out of their way, but their bulk made it difficult, along with the sudden appearance of five pudgy little creatures following in their footsteps. Somehow, the smaller versions of Epsy and Zeta managed not to get stepped on as they darted around their feet.  For creatures with short stubby legs and such fat blimp like bodies, they could move fast.  An out of breath man and woman in lab coats were trailing them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yay!  Babies!  SO HARD TO COLOR THEM ALL!!  :D  No, they do not have names, don't make my head hurt. Don't forget to support the comic, via patreon or pop something off my wishlist.  I'm in need of a new external hard drive. :(  Mine has died.  Thanks to supporters, I was able to pay for my dog needing some emergency teeth extractions, me getting new glasses, groceries  and supplies! - Tiff

13 thoughts on “Day 27 3 07

  1. Wow, been a very long time, our time wise that is, since we’ve seen these two. And don’t mind me, in sugar shock from the sweetness of the little babies! Eeeeee! ^_^

  2. Look at how little they are! Mini Zetas and Epsys!

  3. So it was the patter of tiny feet …being drowned out by the pounding of much larger feet!

    Zeta: Kids, come and meet your Auntie Chel and Uncle Lexx!

    Chel: You’re all so cute! Yes you are! And your green eyes really stand out from your orange skin… want some of my breakfast, little ginger?

    Epsy (to the pursuing labcoat guy): There you go, make a note of that! I told you Chel would be able to come up with proper names for our brood!

    Labcoat Guy: *wheeze* I don’t see what’s wrong *wheeze* with HP78XHP79-2…


    1. “Zeta not get the why “h2o” and “h2so4″ are funny.”

      But seriously, they’re just as adorable as they are on the bookmarks I have of that feature a few of them with Auntie Stealth on one side, and one with Zeta on the other side.

  4. This was the cause of the earthquake… We’re in trouble now….

    Especially since Zeta’s outgrown Epsy at this point.

  5. SOOO CUTE!!! Will you make toy versions of these little guys? Cause they’re so cute and adorable! Just makes anyone want to scream and shout for joy and hug ’em!

  6. Since Epsilon and Zeta are sequential in the Greek alphabet, the names of the kiddies would come out to be Eta, Theta, Iota, Kappa, and Lambda.

    1. That makes sense. So would Kappa be the green one? And is the woman in the labcoat called Mary? >:=)>

      Zeta: Mary had a little Lambda, Its skin was white as snow, And every time her back was turned, Lambda was sure to… go!

      Labcoat Woman: What?! Oh not again!

      Epsy: *psst* Behind the breakfast trolley! *giggle*

  7. AUGH *dies from cute overload*

  8. You know usually with a mouth so wide and large with big pointy teeth running towards you would set of survival instincts.

    I think it’s key to note that they’re heading towards them and not the food cart. Look! An army of little Epsy’s and Zeta’s! How will they be able to feed them all?

  9. AWW!! SO CUTE!!!

  10. EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! So freaking cute! Finally! I love all of them. <3

  11. Oh, and in other news, that’s going to be a huge problem with the scientists. And Lexx. Lexx freak out in 3….2…..1…..

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