10 443

Day 27 3 11

“You are dangerous,” Vic drilled into Lexx., “And any children you might father here would be dangerous, possibly hunted, abused, and used for their abilities.  The same goes for your dice.” “Dad, stop!”  Chel interjected, stepping between her father and a very stunned Lexx, trying to keep from dropping the pair of chicks as she did.  Vic grimaced, noticing the look on Chel’s face and the completely confused cloud over Lexx’s as he tried to figure out why he was being compared to his dice. Vic could see clearly that Lexx didn’t understand what he was saying.

10 thoughts on “Day 27 3 11

  1. Wow…her dad really doesn’t know how to handle teenage daughters…the one thing you should never, EVER do is try to ‘explain’ why they shouldn’t consider a particular boy as a romantic interest.

    You would think he would at least have gotten that lesson from Disney’s “The Little Mermaid”

    1. Don’t think he was trying to convince his daughter so much as to prove a point and get Lexx to stop treating is dice as just “dice” and more as the sentient people that they are.

  2. Ah, the sheer number of fathers in the world who wish saying something like that would work.

    Then again, Vic is trying to make a point, and as has been mentioned before, even Vic hasn’t fully caught on that the Dice are PEOPLE, not animals. They just happen to be fluffy, or scaly, and sometimes huge.

    1. Then again, on the flip side of sentience, his own point pretty much goes in the territory of the Dices rights on the matter and on to the point will the Dice really let him have a say on the matter?

  3. I don’t know that the people-hood of the dice is relevant to Vic’s intended point, which is that Lexx hasn’t been doing his due diligence in making sure those things which ought not happen *DON’T* happen.

    Just forbidding babies isn’t enough, as his dice have many of the same drives he has, and opportunity besides. And if they are simply talking animals, as Vic may think of them, then his point is that much stronger.

    1. Some points can’t be made without making other points relevant…..

      Anyway, Vics point seems to have completely flew over his head. And why wouldn’t it? Many of Vic’s points are being made about a person just trying to survive and stay free in a system that ruthlessly exploits and destroys people like Lexx.

      You know, from the few planets we’ve seen, it seems like some alien worlds are doing pretty well where Vic makes a point of evasive species. Maybe in that instance, that’s more the humans problem and having sentient animals lurking the woods like the Dice would be more better off then a hindrance. “Poachers beware! Your prey is smarter then you!”

  4. Damn it Vic.

    You lie to your daughter about your job. You track her for no important reason. Your rude to aliens, and your head is so thick I’m surprised it doesn’t fill the whole f-ing page.

    Damn it Vic.

  5. Vic really doesn’t even consider that to be with Lexx Chel would leave planet does he?

  6. Vic is pushing into asshole territory again.

    I can’t wait for him to get some character development.

  7. Ha, ha, ha… Chel must have been a really great girl that did almost nothing but study if Vic didn’t know that this was the best way to ENSURE little winged blue grandchildren in the near future…

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