8 776

Day 27 4 02

Lexx didn’t ask any questions, gently removing Chel’s hand from his arm.  He stepped away from her, swinging his right hand up.  It left a trail of gold light and within seconds a tiny vortex of golden light appeared, then expanded into a rippling door, big enough for all of them to easily pass through. Lexx stepped aside and Stealth was the first one through it, followed by Chel.  Lexx turned and strode through the door, with Swiftpaw, and Keith close behind.  Sirius and Serenity were in last, just as the door began destabilizing and decreasing in size. Vic hurried to the hallway he heard people coming through, hoping the doorway would completely close before anyone else could pass through it.

8 thoughts on “Day 27 4 02

  1. Why is Keith going? I don’t see the point in that.

    1. He has a relay. BAD news if they find out about relays.

      1. But Vic and the others in the facility shouldn’t know that.

        1. No, but Keith is an idiot. As we have seen repeatedly.

  2. So, what about Zeta and Epsy? Maybe even their kids?

  3. I think Keith is going just because he wants to. I imagine he will cause some disruption by behaving unpredictably, could be either good or bad for Lexx.

    I could see how Zeta and Epsy might be useful, but the baby dice definitely wouldn’t be in a gauntlet situation, and their parents might be too distracted to fight effectively. So combined with the need for an immediate getaway, probably doesn’t make sense to go looking for them right now.

  4. Lex has magical transforming hair, it goes from down to a french bob style while he does his magical girl you didn’t portal opening technique

  5. I wonder where they’re gonna go… Somehow my foreboding mind senses the most probable course of action:
    Somehow, EVERYONE goes to the guantlet.
    And chel cries.

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