8 445

Day 27 4 13

The wrap fell to the ground in a pile, and Lexx stood in front of Chel, with a strained look on his face.  “I want you to touch me. It’s all I want. I want your touch.”  And he held out his hand as steadily as he could.  Putting the words together had been difficult. “That’s kind of an awkward request.” Chel’s face flushed red and she nervously ran her fingers through her hair.  Hearing him ask was flattering and odd, but it wasn’t anything she would say no to.  Chel smiled, feeling shy about the whole situation.  For one thing, she felt like she had just stepped into the cover a romance novel and it made her feel a little giggly. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't know what to say, I just feel awkward.  - Tiff

8 thoughts on “Day 27 4 13

  1. It was in spring. The days flew by as I busied myself, and the spring became the summer. Who’d have believed you’d come along? I still remember the first time I felt your hands. Touching your soft hands, I was in heaven. I was reaching out, and pulling back, afraid. I wanted you touching me.

    I longed to be touching you, but I feared what might happen. Sweet Chel of mine, there were no good times then. I never thought I could be happy. It seemed like a pipe dream, but now, my life is so good, because I have you. I’ve been all over the galaxy, seen so many things, but I’m inclined to throw all that away, if it meant just one day with you.

    To think they believe I will fail now. How can I? They never would suspect that I have found strength here by your side. I love you, Chel, and I wish I didn’t need to ask this of you, but with this crisis now, I need your strength to guide me. Look at me, Chel. In the darkest night, you are my light. I will never fear the shadows as long as I have you, and I will be yours when you need me. If I hurt, I know that you will ease my pain.

    When you are hurting, I will share your burden. Trouble runs off my shoulders. How can I hurt when holding you? Your touch is so warm and inviting. Touching me, you give me life, these warm hands send a spark to my very soul. I’m reaching out now, unafraid. Your hands touching me will give me all the strength I require, and I’ll be touching you. No matter the distance, our hearts will not be separated.

    Sweet Chel of mine.

    1. Speaking as someone who has written parody semi-professionally (new cd in the works), Very nicely done. You have a fine sense of meter. There are some rough edges, but even so… very fine work.

      1. To be fair, I just like taking song lyrics and building monologues from them. I’ve turned the first verse of Sound of Silence into an evil monologue. I know It’s amateur, but this is just something I do to amuse others in my downtime. This is supposed to be Lexx talking to Chel.

    2. I like it. 😀

      1. Thank you! I aim to entertain.

  2. Sheesh put Chel more on the spot Lexx lol.

    Also who has the dirtier mind? The one who says something that could be taken that way? Or the one whose mind goes there first? ^_^

    1. You and I think alike, friend.

  3. An awkward request, yes, but you’re still smiling.

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