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Day 27 5 09

Riley grumbled to himself as he walked. He had preparations to make down on the surface. Looking for Maenae was not on his list of things he needed to get done. How do you lose anyone on this ship?! It knows where everyone is! Riley picked up his step, breaking into a run. He ran down a short flight of stairs and turned into a well lit hallway that ended in a door. The door slid open automatically for him. Riley stopped just inside the small room, calling out, “Maenae! Maenae! Are you in here?!” He waited for an answer that never came. With a sigh, Riley strode across the room, glancing into the small adjoining rooms. This was a guest set of rooms, done in a generic steel grey pattern with a soft cushioned floor. It was sparsely decorated with inset light panels in the walls and ceiling. There were only a few pieces of furniture and no real places to hide. She wasn’t behind the sofa, or under the single dining table in the room. The kitchen was little more than a nook with a cooler and a few shelves of snack foods for children. The bathing room was empty. There was no sign of Maenae anywhere. Riley passed through the last door into a small bedroom that contrasted with the rest of the suite with walls painted a peachy pink. The room was done completely in the same shade with a child’s bed on one side, a colorful rug, and a couple of beanbag type chairs. The bed was made and no one had slept in it since it had been made. Riley stood in the middle of the room, thinking about it. Maenae was a smart little girl, but she wasn’t typically mischievous. Compared to Riley and his brothers, she was an angel.

2 thoughts on “Day 27 5 09

  1. Those three cream circles with brown circles in look like giant eyeballs. That combined with the pink makes the room look like some kind of alien creature. Living house anyone?

    1. so it’s not just me… very eye-like. I think they’re lights though.

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