4 884

Day 27 5 12

“Maenae!” Riley shouted. The little girl jumped and almost lost her balance in the water. “You’re back.” Maenae quickly lifted her hearing dampeners to her ears, grimacing at Riley. Her cheeks were flushed and hair a mess from her time on the beach, doing who knows what. “Is Daddy back?!” Further away on another part of the island, Stealth stretched out on a cool rock, just out of the water’s reach. The morning rays had not warmed them suitably and the air was thick with humidity and the smell of sea salt that occasionally made Stealth sneeze. She sighed, rolling onto her side.

4 thoughts on “Day 27 5 12

  1. Why does she need dampeners? Is her hearing super sensitive? Or are certain sounds just really bad for her?

    1. I think it’s more along the lines of she keeps hearing things others don’t want her to.

      Thus, the ear muffs are to prevent THEIR reaction to the information being unsecured.

  2. Awww! So adorable! And she’s fairly safe with the dice around.

  3. Dear Tiff,
    Do you think you will ever start doing Akaelae again?

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