8 674

Day 28 9

Meanwhile, in a brighter colored area of Lexx’s island home, Riley’s father, Kade was leading a very bouncy Maenae down a hall. Maenae energetically peeked into the various open rooms they passed and was met with friendly waves from their occupants. There were a few large waiting rooms with large screens set up of the island. These aliens were there to support Lexx. Kade had reached out earlier with orders to Stealth and Dash to meet him in a specific area and the pair of large felines did not disappoint. The dice were waiting for Kade and Maenae in the first of a set of play rooms set aside for Maenae. The entry was small and barren, with walls painted a calming shade of lavender. The large play room beyond it was painted a lively golden orange with green and blue colors striking through it at points to break it up and keep it from being overwhelming. There were new toys and stuffed animals all over the room, along with a large play house. There were slides and swings, but Maenae was the only child there. Maenae squealed happily and darted up to Dash, sinking into the thick fur on his neck. Stealth remained sitting patiently by Dash’s side, giving him an amused look. “Stealth, Dash, keep Maenae here until I send Sirius and Serenity to relieve you.” Kade began delivering orders to the pair. “She is not to leave this room for anything, nor is she allowed to watch any feeds. You know why.” “Yes, Sir.” Dash and Stealth stated simultaneously. ---------------------------------------- Easter and hubby and daughter being at home kinda ate my ability to work. :D Text is done and up!! - Tiff

8 thoughts on “Day 28 9

  1. I like both versions

  2. I’d better grab that 2nd cup of coffee – you actually got me on version 1!

  3. I was hoping to catch some off guard. 🙂

  4. Every once and awhile I think about your comic and how amazing it was, I remember starting to read it in 2002/2003 (i was 18), remember how great a story line it was and even the romance in it was just great. I don’t remember how I ran across it back then but im so happy I did and im soooooo glad that i thought of it tonight because im so HAPPY to see its still going on strong!! I’m going to have to start from the first one all over again! thank for keeping up the good work!!

  5. They’re looking way too happy… Why do I get the feeling the minute Lexx is gone they’re gonna kill the director or something?

  6. … In either case, the barbecue is doomed!

  7. Have I really been reading this comic that long? … I feel amazingly old -_-

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