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November 16, 2004 (1 Comment)

It only took a few minutes to get to where Skri and Sythe were arcing and twisting in the air.  The larger Skri was missing more feathers, but mostly unhurt.  Sythe was completely unscathed as well.  They were engaged in a complex game of aerial tag. "Skri!  Sythe!"  Swiftpaw arced around the pair, shouting at the top of his lungs, "I know you're busy-" "Just a bit!" hissed Skri, talons outstretched before her, daring Sythe to make another dive. "Go away, Swiftpaw!" Sythe screeched in irritation.  "You're going to cause our battle to be called!" "But it's important!"  Drift suddenly interjected, pushing himself up for a second on Swiftpaw's back. "Drift?!"  Both Skri and Sythe jerked their heads around to stare.  This was a place they had never seen him and never thought they would see him at. "What are you doing up here?!"  Sythe stared incredulously. "Aren't you afraid of heights?!"  added Skri. Drift sighed.  It was only making him more and more upset to be reminded of just how useless he was.

One thought on “November 16, 2004 (1 Comment)

  1. Well, there’s one thing that tells of the urgency of a matter…if a coward stands up tall against their fears.

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