5 586

February 24, 2005 (3 Comments)

Kane left the beach to follow a barely noticeable path amidst the trees. 'I'll just make a little private call from my ship.' She smiled to herself as she passed beneath the shadows of the palm trees. 'I bet someone as rich and powerful as Zaile could easily pull a few strings to get my petty warrants closed.' The Rishan circled around a small pool of water, careful not to get her shoes wet. 'Afterall - we're family.' A smirk crossed Kane's lips and her eyes narrowed. 'And if he doesn't, I will destroy Lexx.' The island was safe, but it was also boring. It was too slow for Kane who preferred the wilder life she enjoyed on various space stations. There weren't any parties here, men to infatuate or games of chance to enjoy. Damian was here, but he was just a silly little toy to Kane. He wasn't very bright in Kane's book and very shallow. Manipulating Damian just wasn't a challenge. He was too nice.

5 thoughts on “February 24, 2005 (3 Comments)

  1. Meh…one cannot choose their family…isn’t that right?

  2. Well, I was wrong about her not being his sister, but I was right that she’s a terrible person.

  3. HATE HATE HATE!!!!!!!! I knew I didn’t freaking trust her *growl*

  4. And yet, I don’t hate her nearly as much as, say, Cinka, or Saign. She’s more or less even with Claudia.

  5. DarknessShallFall

    Yeah he won’t do that for you, he already hates Lexx you dummy. :\

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