5 1044

March 23, 2005

"I don't know," said Lexx. "But isn't the most enjoyable part of a book the end?" "Sometimes the best parts are everything leading to the end." Chel said thoughtfully. "Honestly." Chel's gaze drifted upward, searching for reflections in the glass windows of the building across the road. "We barely know each other. What do we really have in common?" The question was directed more at herself than at Lexx. "Even though you're human, you have led a life that is completely alien to me." "Does it really matter?" Lexx shrugged the question off. "Yes - it does, Lexx." stated Chel. "I've seen friends hurt because of people they didn't take enough time to know. Situations they didn't even know-"

5 thoughts on “March 23, 2005

  1. Personally, as a writer, I hate the ending of a book. It’s always a journey coming to an end…and the more fun you had with that story, the more it aches to let that journey end…to say good bye to the characters…your comrades on the story, well knowing that they will never be quite the same, if you pick up a pen with them in mind.

    So no, the most enjoyable of a book is rarely the end…the path there is the enjoyable thing. The end is just that…the end. In a sense, it’s like death…it ends things, never to return again, other than in a memory.

    1. I write too, and I agree, ends are small deaths, but they are also chances for new beginnings, things won’t be the same perhaps but change and growth is part of all life

    2. I write for fun and read a lot, and I agree too. The ending means that it’s over, that their isn’t anymore for you. It’s depressing.

      1. Perhaps, but not for the characters. Not for what happens. Endings re the best, becuase they always mean new beginnings.

        1. You know, stories that have no end are generally looked down on. They’re called soap operas. They often repeat their own material, and enter long ruts where the writing gets stale and hackneyed, and it can never escape from this. Status Quo is not always a good thing.

          Tiff has a fairly solid climax coming. You can see it. I can see it. The gauntlet will come, and Lexx will battle impossible odds. We don’t know if this story will be tragic or triumphant, but it has a beginning and an end. It has low points and high points, but this is a good thing.

          A story without end stops having high and low points. It will run out of substance. It will end up being the same trite bits they go over again and again.

          All things must have a beginning and an end. It is the natural cycle.

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