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March 29, 2005 (1 Comment)

"We have too many differences." Chel said leaning over the ledge and looking away from Lexx. She couldn't keep looking at him with the sour expression currently spread over his face. "Do you - believe in anything? That's a real relationship breaker." Chel did not want to put Lexx on the spot and asked the question as vaguely as possible. "What are you saying, Chel?" Apparently Lexx didn't get it. "I don't understand." What? What did she mean by that question? Believe in what? No. Lexx searched himself. He didn't believe in anything. In every sense of the word - trust, confidence, faith? There was nothing and no-one he held such things toward. There was just - himself. And his confidence was often shaken beneath a veneer of straightforward determination to not lose. There was also hope. But that hope was simply a desire to be free and not have to fight anymore. He didn't have any faith in that hope. "A creator, God, you know?" Chel clarified. Oh. Lexx frowned. "I don't want to talk about that, Chel." ---- text missing ---- Chel: What if I do? ----------------- "It's important to me." Chel stated. She was making her point where she didn't really want to. Lexx was always a little touchy on the subject Even though he found the topic of cultures and religions interesting, he did not like anything that left the realm of the facts of what he read. Chel had slowly begun to realize that Lexx did not seem to express personal views on anything.

7 thoughts on “March 29, 2005 (1 Comment)

  1. if i remember correctly he also believes in angels…..

  2. Well, that’s a really…interesting way to ask whether he believes in marriage (a bond before God, after all), or maybe monogamy.

  3. I knew that thing about religion was going to rear it’s ugly head.

    Once you find out that there are a lot of different races out there and that a human was plucked from your own planet, along with some DNA, to be turned into a new race somewhere else during a time that the bible doesn’t admit as having existed, …… Seriously? Asking an alien about believing in a god after knowing a back story like Lexx?

    Yes, I’m miffed at her at this point.

    1. In Chel’s defense, religion can be a major deal breaker in a relationship. I know I couldn’t stand it if a girl I was dating made it clear she looked down on people with my beliefs. Religion is something that a lot of people take very seriously, and if your deepest set of personal beliefs are at odds with, or even belittled by your significant other, that will cause a lot of contention.

      Lexx might not realize it, but for Chel, religion is also a factor in dating or marriage. Knowing that he has some form of belief would be reassuring to her. She may not need to convert him, and make him a baptist like herself, but knowing he has some form of religion would be comforting to her.

      I understand that Lexx doesn’t want to talk about it. That’s okay, but sooner or later, Chel will want a real answer. If she is deeply involved in her faith, she will want someone she can talk to about it. Let us set religion aside for a moment. Let’s say you’re deeply into anime. But when you bring it up to your SO, they say “cartoons are for kids and idiots.”

      Differences in the most basic of opinions can cause arguments, and rifts. Heck, divorces occur because people stop seeing each others bad taste in movies endearing. These things can happen over something as trivial as enjoying Godzilla movies. So yes, checking for potential hazards is probably a good idea on Chel’s part, even if she is a little naive about it.

      1. I agree with Raxondr. You may not like Chel’s stance on religion, but not being honest about it upfront can be a disaster. i actually really like this scene; it’s nice to see a romance where people are actually thinking about the future instead of getting carried away by their emotions or pointlessly mired in melodrama.

    2. Damian said the Rishan were created “Couple hundred years ago” That implies the abductions to get the eggs to start the whole Rishan thing happened well after Biblical times. The Bible doesn’t deny the existence of the 1700s/1800s. Lexx said reverse engineering a bookplate would take a couple hundred years and humans would develop that technology on their own before then. This implies humans are less then 200 years behind the other races. The Dark Ages were 300-500 years, if we didn’t have the technology stagnation of that period we could be part of the galactic community already. The fact different races have different slavery policies indicate they haven’t been in contact long enough to have their cultures bleed into each other thoroughly. The other races could easily be the same age as humans and just skipped the whole Dark Ages stagnation thing.
      The first recorded UFO sighting in America was in 1639, well before the abductions leading to the creation of the Rishan.
      This is the furthest I’ve read so far so I don’t know if more details are provided latter.

      1. Hehe… oh, you’re really thinking and observing. 😀 😀

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