So, basically just dropped out of everything due to not feeling well/not being able to maintain concentration on anything due to chronic pain. I’ve had problems since I got covid in November ’20. 9.9 That was minor compared to when I got it again in August last year. I did have long covid, and why yes, I got vaccinated, but that’s not part of this. When I got it in August, I didn’t think about having it until it was over because brain fog was just enough to not be noticeable. But, oh yay, I know what happened. I got severe weakness in my legs, especially my left leg to a point that I fell down a couple of times and it was VERY HARD TO GET BACK UP. I also had severe edema (swelling) and nerve pain in my left leg from my knee up. I could not sleep right. I could not walk. It was constant. I started taking Advil often, always keeping below the daily limit, sometimes with Tylenol. I’m afraid of Tylenol because it can cause liver damage. 😛

So, oh yeah, I know why I got an ulcer. I was finally getting down to needing LESS to zero advil in December, FIVE months after I got sick. The irritating nerve sensitivity is mostly faded. Actually, right now, that’s not bothering me at all and I’m slowly regaining strength. No, now I have the most awful burning sensation and times when I can’t even sit properly and I’ve been dealing with it and trying to get things done and just so frustrated that I can’t concentrate on anything longer than an hour, if that. It is getting better, but it’s slow. I have the next update almost done and it WILL update next week. At least I’m down another ten pounds. Eating the wrong thing really sets your eating habits into a new course. No soda, at all. No fast food. Nothing fried, nothing spicy, no onions, garlic, food with flavor. – Tiff

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Tiff Update

2 thoughts on “Tiff Update

  1. I’m so sorry to hear that – really hope everything improves asap.
    Thank you for your intriguing comics.

    1. Thank you. I’m feeling a bit better this week. 🙂

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