Warm Afternoon Breeze (10 Comments)

Warm Afternoon Breeze by Vueiy Visarelli
Warm Afternoon Breeze by Vueiy Visarelli

Yay! Artwork of Lexx and such lovely colors and costuming as well. This one came from Vueiy Visarelli and you can view her deviantart account here and give her a direct comment. 🙂

I actually ran across this one a couple of days before it was posted during some random search for wings. 😀 Hehehe.

Also, remember that if you create a login you CAN create posts containing artwork or stories that I can approve and allow to update. It’s usually easier for me to do it that way since they remind me they’re there every time I log in. 😀 If you would like to contribute, just post a message or email me saying so.

5 thoughts on “Warm Afternoon Breeze (10 Comments)

  1. The comic is a broken link. Thought you should know.

  2. Broken link =(
    Can’t see image
    I’m using IE6 at work though and it’s supposed to be upgraded soon so maybe it’s just a browser issue

  3. No…. still broken.

  4. I’m using Firefox, the latest, and its still down…

  5. Safari and it isn’t working for me either.

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