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Day 24 Part 4 Page 3

Lexx’s eyes remained closed.  He didn’t seem aware that Chel was there.  She sat down in the chair and looked at him.  The wrap on his right arm had been removed and he had bandages wrapped over his chest and arms that were slowly being soaked with fresh blood.  His arms and face were covered with large, fresh bruises.  His arms were crossed over his chest and his breathing seemed labored. “Lexx… you weren’t hurt like this when Damian brought you in.”  Chel whispered. “Shh…it hurts to talk…”  Lexx’s eyes slowly opened and he turned his head to look at Chel.  His eyes were glassy and his pupils dilated so wide that they were perfect circles with a rim of golden red encircling them.  “Shh…”

12 thoughts on “Day 24 Part 4 Page 3

  1. Sounds like we might have a candidate for the burning sensation Lexx got from the knife. Hostile nanite infection. They’d be difficult for his own nanites to purge, and could cause massive tissue damage over time.

    1. Are you suffering from that itching, burning sensation from unwanted nanites? Ask your doctor for new ‘Nan-Away’!
      (side effects may include drowsiness, upset stomach,and loss of wings)

  2. I don’t want him to die 🙁

  3. Lexx looks awesome here. Even though he’s all bruised and bloody.

  4. so emotional that my meter has broke

  5. You should talk to Lexx before we sedate him more. Except that Lexx is not in a talking mood. XD Fail.

  6. It might hurt to talk, but they could think to each other.

  7. Lexx is dying. I are a sad panda T_T

  8. Lexx won’t die. All of his fan-girls would lynch Miss Tiffany. Personally, my favorites Riley.

  9. So sad! Lexx cant die :”(((

  10. Relay — use the relay.

    1. Use the force, Lexx!! Err or not. 😉

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