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Your concern is noted, but we do not have any intention of allowing Lexx to die. The grey’s tiny mouth turned up on one corner. Chel stared at the little alien, unsure if she could fully believe him. She turned back to the floating screen. Lexx was slowly lifting into the air as the glowing red grid shifted in, spreading beneath him and completely enveloping him. We are undoing what has been done to Lexx.

26 thoughts on “05/01/2012

  1. So… why are they helping Lexx again? I mean, I know they’re doing it because they feel they owe him, but for what? I have my guesses, but I don’t think they’ve said what it is exactly. Why is no one asking them?

    1. The Greys are a mysterious race, and not many people understand their motives. I hacked into the MIB database and I came up with some background data on them:
      Favorite author: Zane Gray
      Favorite Actor: Joel Grey
      Favorite Actress: Jennifer Grey
      Favorite Singer: Macy Gray
      Favorite alcoholic beverage: Grey Goose
      Favorite non-alcoholic beverage: Tea, Earl Grey, hot
      Favorite comic book hero: Jean Grey
      Favorite comic book sidekick: Robin (Dick Grayson)
      Favorite dog: Greyhound
      Favorite cetacean: Gray Whale
      Favorite mustard: Grey Poupon
      Favorite TV show: Grey’s Anatomy

      1. I wish I could fave posts.

      2. Favorite Cat: Russian Blue (It’s a shade of gray.)

        1. Is not. Cats only come in three colors: red, white and blue.

          Check out a major cat site. Yeesh. Why we can’t say it’s grey, white and orange/amber, I’ll never know…

        2. Actually, I’ve seen a Russian Blue up close, and it really was blue!

          Okay, bluish gray, but there was definitely blue in it — it wasn’t just gray.

    2. I think they’re the race that the ADC stole nanotechnology from. My guess is that they somehow feel responsible for the atrocities committed using their tech, because they didn’t take it back immediately or something.

    3. I believe it has more to do with correcting what another’s abuse of their tech.

    4. Favorite form of Minbari government: Grey council (Babylon 5)

  2. Cannot help but notice some suspicious semblance between the Greys and Maenae. Ha.

    1. Yeah, that has been noted many times and the author has yet to comment on it.

      1. I don’t have to comment on it, because other people have already pointed out they aren’t the same. πŸ˜€

        1. It’s the eyes that got me to wondering about that. That’s not a whole heck of a lot to connect their species, I admit.

          Though considering the mysteries mental conversations she has with another unknown party. We probably can’t help but wonder if there is something more to Maenae then meets the eye. ^^

          I wonder how Stealth will feel about Maenae having huge secrets? After all, Stealth makes it her business to know things.^^

        2. Guess I’m a bit late to the guess & match party but to me, Maenae’s right about the biggest mystery in the story so far. Keeping my options open on that one. πŸ˜‰

        3. I think everyone’s wondering about the eyes. Doing an archive binge to catch up right now, so I don’t know if this is disproved or not, but I personally think that Maenae’s race, rather than being directly related to the greys, is from the same solar system/evolved under similar conditions. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that they “see” the same way as well.

  3. Perhaps they have an innate sense of justice.

  4. Wow — if they were to undo EVERYTHING he would come out fully human instead of Rissian. It would certainly make him easier to hide. Although one wonders if they would be able to still find him through Chel.

    1. Or maybe it removes a dilemma from the ADC’s docket. “The Rishan Lexx has been removed from the rolls of active players due to an illness that has made it impossible for him to play. We are currently searching for a substitute player to catch the rest of the dice of his set.”

      Although, yeah. The Dice of Lexx’ set are still on earth and they’ll still need captured to protect the local critters and people.

    2. Also: Lexx is already fully human, he just has minor cosmetic differences like pointy ears and the odd skin tone.

      But, yeah. No more being stuck in the game. This is going to give Lexx exactly what he wanted.


  5. If they undo everything, will that mean he’s no longer a dice and can’t play the game anymore? That would be great, but somehow I think the AD would find away to make him keep playing. Also, concerning Maenae looking like the grays in some ways, perhaps she is a hybrid. It’s often said that the grays on earth are doing biogenetic experiments. Possibly for helping the human race to evolve (can they really be that altruistic?) or because their own genome is deteriorated from too many clones, so they need fresh blood so they don’t go extinct.

    1. It’s already been pointed out that Maenae and the Grays are two separate races.

      See my comment above the ADC’s potential reaction to Lexx not being a Dice anymore.

    2. Hehe, methinks someone here watches Stargate.

    3. @ hariman, a hybrid would not quite be the same species. It’s a combination of species, e.g. a horse and a donkey makes a mule. @Kalietha Yes! I’m a big Thor fan! (and that’s saying something since most depictions of greys creep me out and seem sinister :).

  6. I admit being fond of greys. Funny enough, this was scripted out almost a decade ago in my outline. It coincided with the appearance of ‘greys’ in my Cyantian Chronicles right now. πŸ˜€ Which was scripted a couple of years ago, if that. I don’t have them in any other story lines.
    I’m also very fond of Stargate: SG-1 and Atlantis.

  7. Lexx would look really cool right now if all those red lights weren’t screwing with the visual. Seriously all we need are some heavenly lights and clouds. Methinks I smell a donation incentive.

  8. Hmmmmm…I’m not sure if totally removing him from the game would be the Grey’s true intentions here by removing all his Nanites.

    All I see that doing, is removing the stuff that’s trying to destroy his body, thus allowing a new transfusion of nanites from eventually being corrupted. Other things, such as his mind and physical alterations would most likely still remain.

    I wonder if the Grey’s have the ability to help with the corrupted code, though?

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