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Lexx didn’t say anything more. He just looked at Riley with an unmoving smile and glazed over eyes. Riley blinked. That wasn’t normal. Lexx didn’t seem to really be looking at anything at all. Riley leaned toward Lexx, unsure of what to do. Why was Lexx just standing there? Was something wrong? Then, Lexx made a noise very much like a low snore and Riley swayed back in shock. Lexx was asleep. He had fallen asleep. He had fallen asleep standing up? Riley gaped at Lexx, wondering if he was going to wake up on his own or If he should do something.

26 thoughts on “06/15/2012

  1. When is the last time his body was allowed to choose its own sleep cycle?

    1. Probably far too long if we learned anything from this. 🙂

  2. Huh. I’m… not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

  3. I think Lexx forgot the different between “headache” and “about to fall asleep.” I love the facial expressions here.

    1. No you can get fatigue headaches I’ve certainly had my fair share of them.

  4. *Laughs Out Loud*

    Yeah, you probably would want sleep after massive bodily harm and pain followed by major surgery!

    Unfortunately, Riley now needs help carrying Lexx to a proper bed.

  5. Inquisitive Raven

    Been there, done that, and yeah, all I wanted to do afterwards was sleep. Well, okay there was a period when I wanted to strangle one of the nurses, but that’s because she apparently couldn’t manage to understand what I needed in order to be out of pain so I could sleep.

  6. Anyone else notice that he’s sleeping with his eyes open?

    That’s not right. o.o;

    1. To be fair, I’ve been that tired. 😛 Except I managed to fall asleep, eyes open, while I was walking… Not a good idea, by the way.

  7. Well when somebody tries to wake me up my eyes open up, though i do not remember it at all.

  8. … Did the Architects accidentally delete Lexx and leave GiddyMcSleepyNutjob running the helm?

  9. I hope they kept the receipt for the repairs done by the Grays.

    If you look in Lexx’s eyes you will see the message “Installing latest service pack, your brain may need to be rebooted when complete.”

  10. i LOLed… Riley is just so funy sometines

  11. He’s Narcoleptic now eh? That’s not gonna be good if he does that in the middle of a dice fight…

  12. Is it just me or did Lexx Fall asleep standing up?! Talk about bizzare!

  13. Oh I love the comedy right now Tiff. Does that mean you figured out where you are going?

    Also, I did not know if you had heard, but if you plan on comming to A-kon 24, we are movin to the Hilton Anatole Dallas next year. Missed your booth this year.

  14. Done that before. Woke up in quite a bit of pain on the floor after I lost my balance. I do not recommend ever staying awake for three days straight again.

  15. bwahahahaha! I should have known that wasn’t a catch-free dus ex machina.

  16. Still chuckling while I write. Best sight gag I’ve seen in a long time. I can only think of the excuses Riley will have to come up with… Or he could tell them the truth and watch everybody’s expressions. 😛

  17. Okay, Riley. I’m willing to bet his shoes are on. You are now honor-bound. Go forth and fetch your sharpie marker.

    1. Are you implying that “Opportunity” is another word for “Let’s draw on him!”

  18. I guess the headache wasn’t as good as Lexx thought. Seeing that scene in real life would have me leaving as fast as possible. I would not want to be stuck with someone being that creepy. I’ve seen too many strange things happen after similar scenes in movies.

  19. Honestly, this page doesn’t need alt-text. It’s perfect just the way it is.

  20. Dang the Grey’s Really did a number with fixing Lexx. Good greif he simply fell asleep on his feet while in mid conversation!

  21. I think they *might* have accidentally slipped something a bit… herbal into his nanites.

  22. DarknessShallFall

    Hahahaha I laughed out loud at this.

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