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Riley took a deep breath and poked Lexx, who blinked a couple of times at the touch and frowned. Then he turned on Riley with an annoyed look on his face. “Riley? What are you doing?” “You fell asleep?” Riley waved a hand in front of Lexx, wondering if he was going to fall asleep again. “I did not.” Lexx protested brushing Riley’s hand away.

14 thoughts on “06/19/2012

  1. Told you he should have used a stick. Something invisible or force-based (surely their technology is up to it).

    “Riley, what are you doing?”
    “Me? Nothing! I’m over here, see?”

    Now, will Lexx explain his sudden lapse into silence and immobility, if it wasn’t within the definition of sleep?

    1. “RILEY! How many time to I have to tell you: Using the force to annoy people is against the way of the Jedi order!”

  2. Now both wings are black???

    1. I’m thinking the tops are a dark blue and the underside’s are sorta white.

      I am loving the back and forth between these two right now. So brotherly.

    2. Aye-non-eee-mouse

      I think they’re supposed to be bicolored – white on one side, black on the other.

  3. will riley notice the wing colour i wonder..

  4. Now what happens if one of the sub-personalities the Greys wiped out is the one that was in love with our heroine?

  5. So he was not checking for a pulse? He was just going to poke him?

  6. Hey just poked the on/off switch is all

    1. That’s Lexx, not Data.

      1. Do we really know yet though? It could be Data now!

  7. Too bad he was so lightly under. I could imagine the havoc Riley would do with a marker to Lexx’s face.

    1. Still time. I bet Lexx is going to be out like a light when he gets to a proper bed.

  8. I love his denial. It reminds me of the times when my dad and husband had to be on pain killers from various surgeries/treatments: not all there, lol.

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