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“Didn’t they explain?” Chel sighed and wondered if her mother was the one who had been giving the injections. Mel might be thorough, but there were many times she forgot that other people didn’t know everything she did. “They said it was precautionary, but I do not understand your primitive medical ‘science’.” The word rolled off Lexx’s tongue with a note of sarcasm. “We use nanites.” “We do not have nanites, Lexx.” Chel turned to Lexx, speaking patiently. He was going to have to get used to the fact that if he was on Earth, he would be dealing with life on a human’s level. He wouldn’t have all the things he was accustomed to. “You should.” Lexx shook his head in concern. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ok, little note. Learning how to use Manga Studio EX 5 better and better. I'm also determined to make a buffer so will be resisting the urge to post five updates a week for awhile. There will be three, MWF, UNTIL I am a month ahead, then I'll start sprinkling in five week updates again. I want to minimize interruptions and prepare for Summer. Also, someone emailed me asking about the horrible archive. :D Yes, I know ,that's why there is THIS archive, which I need to link to more prominently: FULL PAGE ARCHIVE. I will also be working on getting it more 'updated', but that takes time. By the way, can't respond to emails if your email address is not the right one. :D - Tiff

14 thoughts on “2014-01-13-Day-27-1-16

  1. Chel (sarcastically): We don’t have interstellar space ships either.

    Lexx (naively): Well, you should get right on that.

  2. I LOVE this comic. Thank you for continuing in COLOR. YAY! 3 Updates a week is plenty. I much prefer fewer but steady updates. And, because I understand that you are posting your amazing work here for all to see and enjoy, whether then can afford to suport you monetarily or not….THANK YOU!

  3. Maybe my memory is slipping, but wasnt Lexx given nanites after being captured against his will, and partially to keep him from killing himself? I could have sworn he had negative feelings about having nanites; here he’s speaking about them in a very positive sense.

    1. The ADC puts nanites into their ‘players’ to rapidly heal injuries and neutralize poisons. In case one of the players tries to escape before the end of his contract, they can send a signal (through the ear tag) to change the nanite’s function from ‘heal’ to ‘destroy’. This will kill the person, usually in a fairly gruesome way to send a message to any others thinking about doing the same.

    2. I think he’s talking about medical nanomachines, which die and are expunged from the body after a set amount of time…

  4. Didn’t the alien civilizations get their nanite technology from those ‘Architects’? They don’t really fully understand how it works and can only meddle around with it. That’s not science, that’s more of a cargo cult.

    Science doesn’t really distinguish between ‘primitive’ and ‘new’, the only thing that matters is if it’s ‘correct’ or ‘incorrect’ and using it to reach a better understanding of the universe around us. Humans may not have nanites, but at least they ~understand~ how their immune system works and how to use vaccines to bolster it. 🙂

    Lexx’ comprehension of science is just naive and childlike.

    1. Wait until engineers get ahold of relays and do ‘conference calls’. If they can get past egos and NIH/patent issues, that is. 😉

      Probably explains how the grays got all their sweeeeet tech!

  5. Here is something to support Lexx’s thought process… and probably rethink yours.
    According to some new (and hard to find) studies and recorded experiences vaccines do not work. In fact due to the “additives” in many modern vaccines, after a batch of injections there have been reported cases of the injected suffering life long complications including but not limited to autism, death, paralysis, reduced IQ.
    I for instance rarely get flu shots and I have yet to catch the flu or rhinovirus. Many parents are forgoing vaccinations, stating that the risk outweighs the reward, and I have met a few.
    Also there comes the fact that viruses are always mutating, there are countless viruses on earth due to mutations and vaccinations only target one specific viral strain (or a cocktail of strains).

    Best way to prevent viral infection is follow modern sanitary practices).

    1. The reason you can’t find those studies is because they’re utter bunk stemming from the hysteria caused by Andrew Wakefield’s 1998 study that was proven to be fraudulent in 2004. And even then he was only trying to make vaccines that contained a microscopic amount of mercury look bad in order to sell his own vaccines that had no mercury.

      We’ve known that vaccines worked since the 1800s, it’s how we eradicated smallpox.

      And there aren’t very many viruses that mutate that rapidly, otherwise you would be able to get chicken pox, measles, mumps, rubella, HPV, Hepatitis, polio, rabies, or yellow fever more than once.

      1. I have read hundreds from parents who have had their children vaccinated, then said child suddenly develops neurological disorders.
        The most incriminating comes from one family that had two children vaccinated, those two developed neurological disorders, their third child was not vaccinated and did not develop neurological disorders (or said infections).
        Mercury is toxic in any dosage, same with heavy metals, in many countries 0 ppm is the only save dosage of Mercury.
        but if you still think vaccines are safe… http://www.realfarmacy.com/if-your-doctor-insists-that-vaccines-are-safe/

        1. I’m not particularly inclined to trust websites that need a “not to be construed or intended as providing medical or legal advice” disclaimer.

        2. Also I have a Bachelor’s in Molecular Biology, I know that some vaccines contain ethylmercury while practically all fish contain methylmercury and I know the difference between the two. For instance a biological half-life of weeks vs. decades. And that correlation doesn’t necessarily imply causation, especially when there are millions of children who did not develop neurological disorders after vaccination.

          And FYI autistic kids are indistinguishable from neurotypical kids until at least six months, often as late as two or three years. And autistic kids subjected to chelation treatments have died when the chelating agents did not encounter heavy metals and instead bound to the sodium and potassium in their nervous and muscular systems. I have autism and my neurotypical younger brothers have had at least as many vaccines as me, possibly more, I know that the youngest had the chicken pox vaccine (when I get shingles I will be so jealous).

        3. Oh, sure, and next you’ll be telling me tinfoil hats don’t block telepathy. Away with ye, charlatan!

        4. Seems that 1 incident doesn’t make a rule…

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