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December 24, 2003 (2 Comments)

The roar of rushing wind vanished into the back of Lexx's mind as he hovered face to face with Acadiu, ten feet at the most separating them.  He glared at Acadiu, speaking over the relay.  'No.  I said no.  It was your plan to join an arena team.  Not mine!' Acadiu's expression was determined and annoyingly sympathetic.  'Lexx!  They are going to KILL you!  You know the ADC is not about to let anyone win!'  The pleading tone hit Lexx hard.  Acadiu was really trying to help him,… in his own way. 'I don't intend to be let to do anything!'  retorted Lexx.  'Your way is not my way, ok?  You don't know what I have!' 'What?  What do you have?'  Acadiu challenged, the light of his wings shimmering, untouched by the storm.  'You're on this backwater world, down to the last of your game.  Everyone's attention is on you.  I know how much you hate being the center of attention, having everyone's eyes on you.  Well, every one is watching you.  Every one of us, every one of them.  It's a good life!  Saign treats us well.' Acadiu's features were briefly illuminated in a flash of lightening.  Worry furrowed his brow into thick frustrated wrinkles, 'We get what we want.  We don't have to fight if we really don't want to.  Saign doesn't overwork us.  We have food,… private rooms, anything we want, we get as long as we work for it.  And the women,… you just don't know how good it is, Lexx.' 'I don't want to be a part of this game at all!'  Lexx growled, lifting his arm and preparing himself.  'I don't want it, ok?  I'll tell you what I really want, Acadiu.  I want to go to sleep and not hear voices!  I want to wake up in the morning and without thinking that today could be the day that I could die or be captured.  I want to have one woman, all to myself, who doesn't leave to be replaced by another one who's only interested in using me for her entertainment!  Doesn't it bother you at all that they don't actually CARE about you?!' '… Lexx,'  Acadiu shook his head, frowning, then stated over the relay, 'Actually,… I have one woman. It bothered me after awhile as you say,… they come, they go,… it's fun until you're laying in bed alone one too many nights in a row.  You can do what you want, Lexx,.. the point is, you'll be alive. The ADC doesn't care about you once your contract has changed hands.' 'You're still not getting it….'  Lexx frowned, feeling an unsettling feeling in the pit of his stomach, 'I want to live my life without someone else holding my future in their hands!'

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