Lexx ran into the darkness, massive leaves and palm fronds slapping him. For a brief moment, the ground turned squishy, inky blackness engulfing him as the air turned stifling cold. And then, he was free, stepping onto earth covered in a carpet of lush growth. The passage through the shadows brought him into a random part of the island.

Here, thick trees and bushes filled a gully. He pushed through, breaking limbs and snapping branches. His coat repeatedly snagged, wings sliding easily through the bushes. With a groan, he shed the coat as it caught on yet another branch.

Keep ahead of her.

That was the priority. The coat could be replaced, and would he even need it by the end? Dead, it was useless to him. Free, he could buy finer clothing. It fell in a heap, draped from the bush.

Chel can’t see me kill another person. Lexx continued on his way, pushing through the bushes and seeking the easiest path. He kept his ears alert and eyes wide, the growing light from the sun chasing away the night to the east. There was no need to be quiet, he was miles from where he had been, and it would take Tairin time to-

Energy crackled through the air, a soft glowing light illuminating the foliage from behind.

No. There’s no way she could figure out where I went. Lexx froze, casting a furtive glance over his shoulder. Someone is telling her! He tightened his wings over his back, squinting into the light for too long. Run, you idiot!


So, I haven’t touched my ‘ organizing app, Elisi’ because I was afraid I was going to crash again. That’s been my luck lately. I of course… also didn’t put my files into the auto-updater so I wouldn’t forget, because I wanted to get the text done.. this was done last week… guess what, the next three pages are DONE as well. So I’m putting them into the system so I’m regularly updating again and will try to get to text today. – Tiff

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Alien Dice 30 -03 -04

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