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Day 25 Part 1 Page 2

Hours later, Chel sat across from her father in a little nook off the rooms that her father had been staying in.  She more than happily got out of the clothes faux-Trasik had forced her to wear only to become immediately depressed as she took a quick shower.  Her emotions got the better of her and she had cried, gratified that nobody could hear her. When she was done, she put on the only set of clothing provided to her, grateful that it covered her body entirely.  She couldn’t help but feel self conscious after being seen in that hideous outfit.  Chel wasn’t going to bother brushing her hair, until she glimpsed herself in the mirror after stepping through the air dryer.  It stuck up in all directions.  She gave in and brushed her hair. Now, she was sitting at a table talking to her father, who was sitting in remarkable silence for all he had seen.  “It’s not fair.”  Chel sighed. “It never is.”  Vic replied leaning back in his chair. “When someone goes through something horrible, something good should happen to balance it out.  That should be the way life should be.”  Chel spoke her thoughts aloud, hoping for some good fatherly advice. “But it isn’t.”  Vic shook his head. “I know, but that’s how it should be.”  Chel hit the table lightly with her fists, restraining herself in her father’s presence.  She looked at him, waiting for him to say something else.

12 thoughts on “Day 25 Part 1 Page 2

  1. “Dad, you’re not listening!” She turned into such a little kid when her dad joined the party, I love it!

  2. Heh. It looks like Chel wants to punch reality for not balancing out its unfairness.

    I’d help, but I’m still limping from the last time I kicked reality. (It was worth it!)

    1. Be careful what you wish for… Imagine if you win the lottery and then oops drop dead. 😛

  3. Hey she got to skewer Trasik. In effigy at least.

    That’s got to count for something.

  4. When you consider what Lexx’s whole family had to go through when his mom was injured, you have to admit it isn’t really fair.

    Kidnapping children, keeping parents in a drug induced coma to keep the children and use the parents body for breeding purposes, assassination attempts, engineered poisons that would leave a trail back to them being the only group with the data on Lexx and the resources to make it.

    If you ask me, life isn’t unfair, its people that make life unfair.

    1. …You’re too right 🙁 at least part of the problem is pinned down now, though? Maybe? *Looks around the room hopefully*

  5. “Who says life is fair? Where is that written?”

    5,000 bonus points to whoever gets that reference! 😀

    1. “5,000 bonus points to whoever gets that reference!”

      Pay up.

      Or I’ll I’ll toss you in the Fire Swamp and sick the ROUS’s on you. 😉

      1. AWESOME!!! I wish you hadn’t beat me to the answer.

      2. “Yes you’re very smart, now shut up.”

  6. Is that Zaile (spelling?) in the first panel?

  7. Welcome to the world of pessimistic wisdom, which tries to figure out why things aren’t like traditional wisdom says it ought to be.

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