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Day 26 Part 3 Pg 7

Stealth flexed her wings, then spread them out to get as much light as she could.  She rolled her shoulders and laid her head down, looking away from Dash, with her forelegs stretching out in front of her.  She unsheathed her claws in a prolonged stretch and sighed. “We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it, Dash.  Right now, let’s enjoy the light.”  Stealth purred, even as her ears were still laying back and a worried frown was fixed across her muzzle. Dash nodded, twitching his tails once, then laying down so he could just look at Stealth.  He wanted to join her, but knew she did not want him in her personal space and this time, he respected her wishes to not be near him. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TWO weeks left in the Indiegogo campaign! Please pledge NOW! You can pledge to multiple tiers with the way that Indiegogo has things set up. It's at 20% and two weeks is enough time to reach 5k and then I get to give you MORE comics. I tested out how far 20 hours goes and it goes FAR when dedicated to one comic, especially once I get the site uplifted a bit and fill up the FULL PAGE ARCHIVE SITE so you can go through the comics faster. Did you know that there are SO MANY comic files that I can't even SEE the last hundred when I ftp in? :( That's a tiny bit of a problem. BTW, the full page archive is here. After a month working on the sites and getting the RADIO PLAYS back up and all the fanart into place, I'll be adding more updates to Legacy. They will be FULL PAGE updates. I'll be able to easily have text done! I'll also begin compiling the Alien Dice graphic novels, which should end up being around 150-200 pages each with full text, nice binding and a full print run through a professional printer. I've begun. The hard part is the whole, convert RGB to CMYK thing. :D I'm not as picky as some artists. I like how art I've converted into CMYK looks. That's how all the last bits of magnets and card prints were done! page03sI have my dice engraver lined up, but if anyone can find one who can do it for less than 60 cents per dice/per side, let me know! Because the dice are expensive, I'm not likely to offer them again. Think of it as you're not paying for the dice, you're donating to support the comic and getting a die for free. Same goes for the charms. This set won't be offered again if nobody selects them. (Ok, the Duck will, because I'm fond of the duck.) That's about it, pledge today! It makes me fret less. Waiting until the last minute just ends up with me being stressed and working slower. And if you are unable to participate - PLEASE click my vote banner to get me a little business grant! It only takes a second and would mean huge life changes for us. You can vote daily, but honestly, one click from every reader would shoot it to #1 - there ARE that MANY of you. Oh, and this is one of my fully inked pieces. - Tiff

3 thoughts on “Day 26 Part 3 Pg 7

  1. *sigh* Stealth <3

  2. I want to join the indigogo campaign, and will. Just can’t decide what option to go for.

    1. You don’t have to choose one option. 😉 Figured out you can choose multiples if you do them one at a time.

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