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Less than an hour later, Victor was still munching on sandwiches and pastries, while enjoying a late night talk show. He witnessed Kane and Korbaen go through an interview. Kane looked exhausted, but Korbaen seemed to have energy to spare. They went to a commercial break just as Keith and Chel were coming down the hall. Victor kind of wished they had been able to see the interview. “You’ll come and see?” Keith was following after Chel talking energetically. “Okay! Okay!” Chel desperately wished that Keith would shut up. He had not said the word ‘relay’, but had been talking about it for the last ten minutes and multiple other times during the day. It was getting on her nerves and she resisted the urge to smack him OVER the relay, since he might drag her into whatever it was he wanted to show her and she wanted to remain alert in case Lexx wanted to talk to her. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am NOW coloring in Manga Studio EX 5. I found a brush I really love and am getting used to using it. - Tiff

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