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Day 27 3 11

Just a little note as my husband made a small error in calculating his vacation days last month that reduced his paycheck by aroud $150, if you enjoy my work, consider supporting it via Paypal(on this page), Patreonmailing a grocery gift card, or hitting my wishlist.  You'll notice that since I've begun using Patreon I've had a far smoother updating schedule.  I even have enough buffer to update while on vacation! I will be taking a week off at the end of August to spend only on commissions and owed art, since I've had difficulty working them into my workload and future commssions will be a rarity.  - Tiff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Procreation is a strong drive and you have multiple pairs of dice who are constantly with each other.”  Vic pulled his tone down, but could not hide his anger at the ramifications of dice left unchecked and the person in charge not seeing the problem.  It was foolish to think you could tell them not to breed and then expect them to listen.  That worked so well with humans, after all.  Vic stared at Lexx, proposing the question to him, just as Lexx had done to his dice.  “How would you take it if I ‘forbid’ you from breeding?” Lexx completely missed the point of the question.  “But I’m biologically human.”  He stuttered in reply, absolutely stunned that Vic would say such a thing to him.

5 thoughts on “Day 27 3 11

  1. Just to pick up the discussion from the previous pages: Your point being?
    That, aside from having slight genetic alterations, which would make his babies look a little blue (hey that reminds me, are we sure that’s paint on the Blue Man Group? :P) you’re better than the dice? That you’re ‘smarter’? ‘Wiser’? That you wouldn’t destroy an entire ecosystem?

    Flash news, humans have been doing just that for centuries. They are the prime example of ‘Non-Native species’ all over the world, killing and destroying the world around them as they go.

    So yeah, if you’re saying that a sentient animal, capable of reason and speech can be forbidden to mate, I’d know a few sentient animals, at least capable of speech would be better off not having children…

  2. Lexx: But I’m biologically human!

    Vic: *glances at Chel* Don’t remind me! *glances at Mel* And don’t remind her… or them! *sideways glance at security cameras*


    And now I’m imagining a senior ERA researcher, sitting in her apartment not too far from there, staring at a collection of sadly-unused baby clothes and equipment…

    Researcher (thinks): Fertility treatment failed. IVF failed. Bleeding-edge experimental techniques failed. Might germplasm driven by alien nanotechnology succeed…?

  3. Oh Vic! It is indeed a strong drive and the Dice there can understand and reason to what your saying.

    1. Heh, this is fun to watch. Though Vic is hurting his relations with the Dice most likely. It’s funny to see how Vic can so easily put Lexx off balance.

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