0 1043

March 06, 2008

- no text available - Oops. I was very forgetful last night. What you see is a photo of a sample tshirt I had made using the Zeta and Fly AD Logo! And it's up for preorders. Preordering is the ONLY way to get it without going to a convention and at conventions I will have a limited number and sizes. It's also ONLY $11.99 for standard sizes, a dollar more for XXL and up. Oh.. and they come in MORE colors than grey. You are free to tell me whatever colors you want until there are three colors that have been chosen.. so if you want one of a certain color, be FAST! The logo, is btw, actually black and not dark grey. My camera isn't really that great. Order NOW, you have until March 17th to place an order and you have two months to pay for it once you place the order. You can get it in the store! I've also added ten of each of the remainder tote bags. (They will ship as soon as I finally get the second item. If you needed to verify a color, please pop me an email!) Purple is now the first selection chosen! Grey is the SECOND color selection! Tan is third and

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