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Andisel flipped through several screens as First trudged closer. She didn’t acknowledge him until she was ready, then she swept her hands out to disperse the screens. The sairah sighed and stepped forward, recovering a little of his usual confident manner. β€œYou’re taking the report very well, Andisel.” He studied her face for any hint of what she was really thinking. At that moment, the only thing he was picking up was a strong sensation that he should be worried. She was smiling. ------------------------------------------------------------ *looks at site* Hey you. It's Wednesday. WE're supposed to be UPDATING today on schedule. *Kicks update* IT was there, just had the wrong time. Fixing Friday's. As you can see, the Swiftpaw plush drive kicked off last night! I will likely only do one of these a year, if this one is successful. You can get Swiftpaw for $15 plus shipping ($5) through this preorder event and you will NOT be charged unless the campaign is completely funded, ensuring the toy will be created and under your tree by Christmas or ... shortly after or before. You are also not charged until the END, so you can easily put in your support now instead of waiting. I'm not likely to try this again if he fails, so it may be the only chance to get a plush Swiftpaw to keep you company! And if he IS produced, he will be $20 once the Kickstarter ends, not including shipping anymore, so you save $5. This one is very important. If I can get this made, I'll have enough already paid for stock to also pay off all of Kim's medical bills once they are sold. I'd love for us to get rid of this debt. It's a horrible anchor. :D IF I can't... oh well... on to smaller projects. Kim has promised to be good for a WHOLE week to get a a plush blue fox with wings. :D - Tiff

15 thoughts on “08/22/2012

  1. Wow, a whole week? Don’t think I ever promised that to my mom for anything! XD

  2. I wish her luck in pulling that off. She really wants a Swiftpaw doesn’t she?

    So, had Andisel’s name been mentioned when she last was showed up and we learned a Rishan was the head of the ADC?

    1. It MAY have been mentioned in the text somewhere. πŸ™‚ It’s been her name… *sigh* YES, I know, I need to get books available so people can easily find this information. πŸ˜€

      1. It was a big enough shock back when it was revealed the Head of the ADC was a Rishan. Though looking back on it now when you gave the backstory (a while back) on the Rishan Race and Females tending to be dominant in the criminal underworld, seeing a female one at the top is not as suprizing as a Male one might have been. Still a suprize due to the race.

        Don’t feel bad on the books. I will say this, if you can get a good trade paperback for the comic OR get a all text novel out (Pulling off a deal like Megatokyo did to get the text under the early story panels would be a stroke of luck) you’d get some of my cash easily as you tell a great story Tiff.

        Good luck with Kim and school next week.

  3. Dun dun DUUUUUUN.

  4. My teenager promised to end the semester with a B average to get a Swiftpaw. Considering he’s a D average student, that says something! (I put in for 2 though, ’cause I want one of my own!)

    1. Ahhh. πŸ™‚

  5. Tiff How many pages are there so far?

    1. I don’t know. πŸ˜€

  6. I just got a Swift Paw. Would have payed $25 for a Dig plushy. πŸ˜‰

    1. YES!!! ANother who loves Dig!!! THought I was the only one who loved that grumpy armadillo.

  7. Swiftpaw plushie ordered. Now crossing fingers hoping we can reach the goal!

  8. Just ordered two swiftpaw plushies, one for my daughter (who absolutely loves swiftpaw) and one for myself of course πŸ™‚

    1. Ahhhh – I’ve seen that comment several times!

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